Monday 2 April 2012

Analysing Shots

The first shot i am going to analyse is the opening shot, I feel that we have picked a really strong opening shot that immediately captures the audience's attention although it is quite a long opening shot we felt that we really wanted to show the connection between the two characters and the chemistry between them both, therefore people would instantly know the genre and narrative for our film. We felt this shot really portrayed that element of starting of the romantic story. I think the composition in this shot also works really well and I think we have framed it well with them both in the middle, you can also see our choice of costumes in this shot, as you can see they are both wearing very simple outfits which is the effect that we wanted to create as we felt this fitted in with the conventions of the romance genre, I am very pleased we chose this as our opening shot and I think it is very successful and is a very typical seen between couples.
The next shot is a few clips later and as you can see it is of them kissing each other. As it is a romance genre 
we felt that this was a very important shot to include as it enforces the couple are in a relationship and 
are in love, we need these shots in order for the audience to feel happy they are both together and feel happy for them, if the audience start to feel like this it will create a greater
impact later on in the trailer, I also like the composition of this shot as I feel they are framed just enough in order to create a really strong impact. When we were editing this shot at first it was quite a long shot however
we felt we just wanted a really short clip as we felt 
it would create a stronger impact and we would also
be able to fit more footage into the two minutes. 

The next shot is something that Jade filmed with our two main characters whilst she was in london with them. she wanted to make it look like a home video so she asked jim to hold the camera whilst he filmed it, this shot is quite shaky however thats what we wanted to create as we felt this would look really effective and fit really well with the effect of the film we wanted to create. When I watch the trailer i think this shot looks really effective and really stands out although it isn't the best camera work i think it really compliments the trailer and again enforces that they are still in love.

This shot is one of my favourites from the whole trailer as I believe it adds a very conventional shot into our trailer and creates a really cute scene and the audience will think that they both look so in love with each other. However in this shot you can see the shadow of him in the reflected window, I think this a subtle hint that shows the persona that he is going to take on later in the film, and how he is a shadowed figure that we can't really trust. This really creates a good shot as the two parts of the trailer link together trough this one shot which i think works incredibly well and will entice and tease the audience.

The next shot is after things start to go wrong. I think the strongest shot is where she gets in the car and breaks down, as i think it looks very realistic and creates a really emotional shot where the audience will sympathise with Georgia's character and will make people feel upset. I especially like the way this shot is framed as although we have cut part of her head off I feel this creates a really strong emotional shot as we are closer to her and we can feel the emotion of her breaking down.

This next shot is within the montage of the last section. This is a side shot of "Chase" pushing his victim over making "Chase" the antagonist. from this shot onwards. this is shown through these shots. In this shot we can see "Chase" asserting his authority to his victim, by standing over him pushing him down I believe this creates a really strong shot and we can now see "Chase's" new persona that has taken over and you can tell he is full of rage and anger. You can also see the new location of the dark woods which reflects his new mood, and creates a tense atmosphere within the audience.

I have picked this shot as I feel it has a really strong impact, as you feel like you are the one in the shot and the male character is beating you up, we really wanted the audience to feel the pain and see how mad "Chase" gets. I think the low angle of this shot works really well as we it is a very powerful shot and really enforces his status now.

The next shot we can see "Chase's" foot and it looks like he is standing on the person who he is beating up. we think that this shot looks really effective, as again it is from a low angle creating that powerful status "Chase" now has over this person. The costume is also a typical convention of this scene as he is wearing tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie creating a stereotypical bad character.

I think this shot shot is very powerful as you can see the "Blood" on his hands and it creates a real element of shot with this character. I think swell with him covering his face it makes the mood more eerie and creates a mysterious effect. The composition of this shot also works really well as I like the black background as it really shows he is alone and is thinking about what he has just done, and i think this is a brilliant last shot that will really create an impact on the audience as that is the last shot they see and i think that people will remember it.

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